

Bring your insurance care and identification to your first appointment!

Since 1 January 2006 we have the Direct Access to Physical Therapy (DTF) policy in the Netherlands. This means that you can make a physical therapy appointment without a required referral from a physician or specialist. During the first meeting (without referral) your physical therapist will make a determination based on the complaints you present.

When your physical therapist deems your complaints as suitable (no particularities) then you will be scheduled for an intake conversation and a physical examination. When it is determined that further treatment is needed a treatment plan will be designed with you and a second appoint will be scheduled. When the physical therapist deems your case as “not suitable” you will be referred back to your personal physician.

If you have a referral of your physician or specialist than you can contact us at +31.20 820 1102 or email us [email protected] for an appointment.